I have taken some lovely me time for the past week or two and, to repeat myself, it was lovely. I do apologise to various online friends whom I haven’t spoken to in that time. I’ve not forgotten you and I will get back on the talking grid soon, I promise.
I’ve come to a few realisations about various things, one of which I can’t really get into until I’ve posted somewhere else (which I’ll do tomorrow).
I’ve realised that I like the freedom it brings if I’m not glued to the computer for most parts of the day. Before this my usual routine was to get up in the morning, turn on the pc and check e-mail and various small games that I loosely play and then the computer would remain on for the biggest part of the day (if I didn’t have to go anywhere and such) and that would mostly lead to me hanging in front of my screen just browsing about and not really accomplishing anything. I’d have occasional bouts of creative energy in which I would scrapbook or write a bit but 90 percent of my computer time consisted out of mindless surfing around.
No more. I’m taking advantage of the summer to get my computer use back to a more regular level so I can actually use it to work on mostly and play a bit instead of it sucking me in like a black hole.
I’ve also realised that just plainly turning the thing off is very relaxing so I’ll be doing that a bit more as well.
Another thing is photography. I’ve been creative in many ways (writing, painting, graphics work) for a long time and photography has always been a particular pleasure of mine. Since I got a new camera in May, which is much better in quality and options than my previous one, I have started taking more and more photos and some really good ones as well. So I want to take advantage of the summer with its long days and sunny weather (I hope) to really get some photography done and see if I can expand that, even if only remotely, from snapshots, good photos and the odd great one to good photos and more great ones. 🙂
This was my reasoning behind turning my main website into a photo blog and opening this one for the odd blog post. I’m not most regular of bloggers anyway 🙂 Now, as for the photography, I have a few ideas for shoots and series I want to do in the next few weeks of which I’ll be posting some or maybe all of them on the site. So if you’re curious, by all means, drop by.
Yet another thing is that I realised I’ve really missed writing. I love writing, creating stories, worlds, people and I haven’t done it all that often lately and it’s getting to me. So I’m actively getting back in touch with my inner storyteller. And on that note I’m calling it a day and signing off here to go to bed.
Oh and finally, I want to try and pay some more attention to my health and body. I could do with some weight loss so that’s a thing I definitely want to incorporate in my daily existence. I’ve been going swimming regularly the past few months and I really like it. I’m not much of a sports person but some more exercise won’t hurt so I plan to ride my bicycle some more and maybe even walk a bit (I seriously dislike walking, mostly related to the fact that I’m not very good at it)