Photos June
Walking @ Lauwersoog with Eva, Gregorius, Nienke and Tessa. From left to right: the tree that Nienke threw Gregorius’ toy into, Eva & Nienke trying to get it out, and continuing the walk.
Fabric Day at Verhildersum. Bags of coloured wool, an awesome! quilt, and a display of tin figurines in historical clothing. The guy who ran this table made these all himself, from photographing people in historical outfit to sculpting a mold, casting it in tin and painting it to match the photo.
Going out to eat @ Pappa Joe’s with Eva, Mellien, Nienke & Ingrid, with ice cream from Toscana across the street after.
Random stuff
Monkey in the sun, the day my parents had to get a new car… since dad put the coolant fluid in the oil tank…
Marshmallows indoor style, Monkey & Murphy sharing the window sill and Tessa taking it easy on my sofa.
Monkey and his weird ways of getting to water, and sitting behind plants. Plus awesome! thunderstorm.
Bored at work during lunch 😀 an angry egg, and an ‘eiphone’. Also, summer is very pretty. I miss it.
June 2nd was my Dad’s birthday, he turned 68. The party was fun, a good time was had by all 🙂
Two days later I went for a walk at Lauwersoog with Eva, Nienke, Tessa (my dog) and Gregorius (Eva’s dog). It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, there was a gentle breeze, we enjoyed ourselves, the dogs had fun. Then it got even better when Nienke tossed Gregorius’ fetching toy into a very, very tall tree… Eva and I watched her toss sticks at it for a while trying to get it to fall down. Eventually I joined in the throwing of sticks which led to success a couple minutes later when I hit the branch the toy was stuck on and it came down.
The day after that, I went to Verhildersum with Mom to go check out the Fabric Day. We saw awesome crafts, there was this huuuuge quilt in different purple fabrics, and a guy who makes little tin statuettes of people in historical dress. There was also a lot of felt work, both in felting things (making objects while one is felting the wool), as well as making things from felt fabric.
June 15 I went out for dinner at Pappa Joe’s with Eva, Nienke, Ingrid & Mellien. It was tasty, and nice to hang out with the full group. We crossed the street for awesome ice cream afterwards.
I joined Archive of Our Own, a fan fiction archive. So far I find it a more pleasurable interface compared to, where I used to post. That has been a number of years though, and in the years between I’ve not spent a lot of time either reading or writing fan fiction. I’m slowly getting back into it. I reposted some of the works I wrote years ago of which I still think they’re good on A3O. The rest needs a rewrite. I’ll keep the originals up on, that way I’ll have a history and can later compare between versions and responses.
And in minor things, I rearranged my living room, baby-sat the dog for a day while the parents were off on the yearly Sibling Day (where mom and her siblings, plus partners, go out for a day) and we had an awesome! thunderstorm.
Weekly Four: week 32
I’m grateful it didn’t rain yesterday. My parents had a great time at the Agricultural Day at Verhildersum Museum Estate, and Nienke’s Birthday BBQ approved of the dry weather as well 😀
I’m happy Monkey is so close lately. I think he missed me when I was away last weekend. He’s letting me pet and hold him much more, and is seeking my company (and lap) of his own accord more as well. He’s on my lap as I type this <3
I’m angry with my WordPress. After returning to this site, and updating WP to the newest version, updating pages stopped functioning. And later posting pages stopped working, and now I’m even having trouble posting blog posts. Didn’t find a lot of info on the net, but what there is, is pointing to security issues and .htaccess file edits. So I first had to scour through my hosting provider’s FAQ to figure out 1) if I already had one somewhere (I couldn’t find it in the directory structure) and/or 2) how to edit and where to put it (since hosting provider is not using the standard public_html folder for the site but has named it differently. I think I got it now, we’ll see if this posts, then I probably got it 😀
I learned that draping a string of fake ivy across the top of my window looks neat.
Another of the birds of prey from the demonstration. This is one of the more exotic birds, coming from Africa.
Red-tailed Hawk
Another fun thing was a bird of prey demonstration. They showed, and flew, about 9 or so birds. It was awesome to see them, especially since they had some more exotic birds too, from Africa and America and stuff.