Oh, wow, I haven’t posted a booklist update since July, heh, bad me 😀 At least I’m speedier with this overview, the 2009 list didn’t get made until March this year. As per ususal I didn’t make my (unofficial) goal of 60, but I got one closer than last year. So I will valiantly set it for 60 again, and am convinced coming year I WILL make it! The book clubs I signed up for will make it easier, since that’s already 24 books. So, without further ado:
My favourites for this year, in the order as they appeared on the list:
- Sarah Monette – Mélusine
- Joris Luyendijk – Het zijn net mensen {They’re just like people}
- Louisa May Alcott – Little Women
- Erika Mailman – The Witch’s Trinity
- David & Leigh Eddings – The Belgariad & Malloreon
The ones I liked least:
- Karen Chance – Basically, after the first book I started enjoying the series less and less with each following book. I still have the fourth one to read, and I will do that, but I’m glad I borrowed books 2-4 instead of buying them myself.
- Jeff Lindsay – Bit the same, I have the first two Dexter books and I liked those, then I borrowed part three and I’m just losing interest in it, it’s not pulling me in anymore. I haven’t even finished part three yet and it’s been lying around the house for six months or so now.
Special mentions
The Belgariad & Malloreon gets a special mention. This was the series that got me well and truly hooked on epic fantasy and made that genre my First Love Forever in terms of books. I’d been reading fantasy and sci-fi type books before, but then without truly realising they were that. When I started reading The Belgariad at age 12 or so, it got me hooked. I wanted to be Garion so badly!
I read them in translation back then, but decided this year I wanted to read them again, and this time in the original. Since I hate how the omnibus volumes look, I decided to hit the second hand book stores to get all the single volumes. I got lucky with that, as I found a complete Belgariad in one store, and a complete Malloreon in the other, and both sets in good condition too.
I started reading them in November, and decided I would go right through, all ten in a row, and I found on rereading that I still love them just as much as I did when I first laid eyes on them as a wee 12-year-old. These books get a lot of crap for being repetitive and cliched and such. And while I’ll go with it for the cliches, I disagree in terms of the repetitiveness. Not that there isn’t repetition, but what so many reviewers seem to miss is that, for these series at least, the repetition (see what I did there 😛 ) serves a purpose and fits thematically in the book.
Sure, I’ll give that Eddings probably wrote the Malloreon from a commercial point of view, and that they chose a slightly easy path for it, but they did find a nice way to explain that in-world. The point being that, since the event that split the universe and caused the two Purposes to exist (this will only make sense if you’ve read the books, BTW), the world can’t move forward. Everyone continuously cycles through the same things, different people, different locations but similar enough that, when you pay attention, you see the repeats. Garion and consorts realise this about halfway through their quest in the Malloreon. The new people that come along on the Malloreon quest are thematically similar to those that were on the Belgariad quest but couldn’t come for this one. In the same vein, certain situations they go through or people they meet have a direct counterpart in the first quest. And unless the Purposes are finally united again, everyone is doomed to continue repeating itself.
So, bottom line, I don’t mind the repetition in these books very much. In fact, it gives me a moment to go back and relive a certain moment from a previous book too when something is similar. And it’s nice to see if I can spot the repeat even when the characters don’t.
The List:
1. Sarah Monette – Mélusine
2. Naomi Novik – Throne of Jade
3. Naomi Novik – Black Powder War
4. Kat Richardson – Greywalker
5. John Scalzi – The Android’s Dream
6. Paulien Cornelisse – Taal is zeg maar echt mijn ding {Language is, like, my thing} [Dutch]
7. P.C. & Kristin Cast – Betrayed
8. P.C. & Kristin Cast – Chosen
9. Naomi Novik – Empire of Ivory
10. Joris Luyendijk – Het zijn net mensen {They’re just like people} [Dutch]
11. P.C. & Kristin Cast – Untamed
12. P.C. & Kristin Cast – Hunted
13. P.C. & Kristin Cast – Tempted
14: Louisa May Alcott – Little Women
15: Louisa May Alcott – Little Men
16: Louisa May Alcott – Jo’s Boys
17. Brent Weeks – The Way of Shadows
18. Star Trek: The Next Generation – Resistance (J.M. Dillard)
19. Brent Weeks – Shadows’s Edge
20. Ryan Sohmer & Lar DeSouza – Looking For Group Volume 1
21. Ryan Sohmer & Lar DeSouza – Looking For Group Volume 2
22. Brent Weeks – Beyond the Shadows
23. Preeta Samarasan – Evening is the Whole Day
24. Jeff Lindsay – Dearly Devoted Dexter
25. Terry Pratchett – Unseen Academicals
26. Bert Benson – Euro 5 antwoordt niet {Euro 5. Not answering} <A sci-fi series from my childhood, I recently stumbled across a second hand store that had almost the entire series. I only read maybe two or three of them back then, so am really enjoying the newness of most of these>
27. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Dreiging van de H-Mannen {Euro 5. Threat of the H-men}
28. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Duivels van de diepzee {Euro 5. Demons of the Deep Sea}
29. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Slaven uit de ruimte {Euro 5. Slaves from Space}
30. Bert Benson – Euro 5. De Monsters van Dr. Einling {Euro 5. The Monsters of Dr. Einling}
31. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Op drift in de tijd {Euro 5. Adrift in Time}
32. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Machten uit het heelal {Euro 5. Powers from the Universe}
33. Karen Chance – Touch the Dark [reread, in preparation for reading parts 2-4 which I borrowed from a friend]
34. Karen Chance – Claimed by Shadow
35. Erika Mailman – The Witch’s Trinity
36. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Ruimteschip Freya uit de koers {Euro 5. Spaceship Freya off course}
37. Michael White – Equinox
38. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Contact met Atlantis {Euro 5. Contact with Atlantis}
39. Star Trek: S.C.E. – Have Tech, Will Travel (SCE Omnibus 1)
40. Neil Gaiman – The Graveyard Book
41. Karen Chance – Embrace the Night
42. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Groot alarm voor Sectie 5 {Euro 5. Red Alert for Section 5}
43. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Paniek op de Noordpool {Euro 5. Panic on the North Pole}
44. David & Leigh Eddings – Pawn of Prophecy
45. David & Leigh Eddings – Queen of Sorcery
46. David & Leigh Eddings – Magician’s Gambit
47. David & Leigh Eddings – Castle of Wizardry
48. David & Leigh Eddings – Enchanter’s Endgame
49. David & Leigh Eddings – Guardians of the West
50. David & Leigh Eddings – King of the Murgos
51. David & Leigh Eddings – Demon Lord of Karanda
52. David & Leigh Eddings – Sorceress of Darshiva
53. David & Leigh Eddings – Seeress of Kell
54. Bert Benson – Euro 5. Het Geweld van de zwarte orca’s {Euro 5. The Violence of the Black Orca’s}