That Was The Year That Was: 2010
- I started Working at KPN
- We had a very severe winter, which resulted in public transport being down frequently, which is very! annoying
- Had a tea party with friends at Mellien’s place, it was very fun
I’ve got nothing for this month. For some reason I only took 3 pictures in the whole of February… And I didn’t blog that month either. Sadness. Here, have all three February pics to cheer you up from this huge, huge let down π
- Spring was on its way! Not that enthusiastically yet, but I saw the first real flowers peeking their heads above ground
- Finally found a good design starting point for my future tattoo
- Chocolate fondue with Eva & Ingrid, yum!
- Bought new plants for my back yard
- Found an awesome stick to turn into a staff. So far it’s still standing unused in my mudroom, but this year I strive to actually make something out of it π
- Went balfolking for the first time (no, it’s probably not a proper verb, and yes, I’ll tell you what it is; it’s dancing old ball and folk dances on medieval-and-slightly-later type music)
- With Eva, Ingrid and Nienke to Lauwersoog, which was hilarious since we got stuck in the parking lot for two hours due to no traffic regulators being present
- This was also the month mom turned 60, Happy Birthday!
- Nienke and I added a garden door to our shared backyard to keep the neighbourhood kids from using our space as a shortcut path
- Went to see the Men’s Choir of Warffum (of which my uncle is a member) perform at the museum estate Verhildersum
- Spent Liberation Day in Parentville, where the whole street came together to decorate it for the festivities, great sense of community then, it should be like that more often
- Ingrid came by, time for scrabble in the sun. Eva & Mellien dropped by a little later, on horseback.
- Saw a hedgehog in the yard, awesome little critters
- Joined the LifeLines research project about long term health
- Dad’s birthday, 67 for him. Happy Birthday!
- With the summer in full swing, Nienke and I tried outdoor computing
- It was also the time for the yearly full family visit to my aunt and uncle in Harderwijk
- Went to visit Soestdijk Palace with Mom and a friend of hers, it was awesome! I’m very glad I got to see the place before they closed it down
- Celtic Midsummer Fest! Need I say more? An awesome weekend in which I went re-enacting for the first time. Great friends, great environment, great things to see and do, in short, a great time!
- Also, aforementioned festival will (for me) henceforth always be connected to ‘that time I banged my toes into oblivion on a tent peg’ π
- It got so warm I regularly spent my free time lounging outside with my feet in water. At first in two buckets (one for each foot) and later in a giant tub-like thing. Monkey approved of this, always enough water to drink nearby
- I bought my binder this month, which turned out to be a huge step on the road of self-discovery and gender identity
- Castlefest! Again, need I say more! Another awesome weekend! I’d not been able to go to Castlefest for some years, so it felt great to be back here. I love the atmosphere at this particular fest, plus being able to see Omnia live again for the first time in a couple of years as well was great, too.
- Nienke had a BBQ in honour of her birthday, it was tasty!
- Mom started knitting socks, after a conversation about how the warm socks we had were not getting any better.
- Went out for a sudden and unexpected pizza with Eva & Nienke
- Dad, on request, cut off the hedge in my front yard
- Monkey got weird spots on his back leg, he ended up with a salve treatment and antibiotics and return appointments at the vet three times in a row. Fortunately, they have cleared up completely
- And finally, this was the month I decided to continue blogging here, instead of trying to maintain both this blog and a LifeJournal
- I burned my arm a wee bit by splashing hot olive oil on it. Fortunately I washed it off right away, so it didn’t go much further than some light second degree burning one one spot and some intenser first degree burning on the others. The second degree spot left a scar, it’s pretty π
- Had Tessa over to dog-sit, and got both her and Monkey in the same room without Tessa trying to eat Monkey, and without Monkey trying his best to hide as far away as possible
- Had my own birthday, turned 26. Happy Birthday me!
- Got the flu right after the birthday parties, ended up having to stay home for about a week, and had noticeably less energy the weeks after that while I was recovering further, not fun π
- Became obsessed with Glee π
- Got my iPhone
- Mom started knitting gloves, nice and warm for the winter
- Went out to wok with Eva & Ingrid, yum!
- Attended Julius’ birthday, which was a sort of High Tea type thing with a whole bunch of cakes he and his mom made, it was awesome (and very, very tasty!)
- Bought two awesome pumpkins for Halloween and carved them; one a face, the other a sort of cheese with holes kinda idea with mice in the holes
- Was a bit down for a good part of this month, a combination of Daylight Savings Time ending, winter coming up and some other random shit. Took a while before I saw the colours of the world in full shine again, instead of dulled
- Mom knit me a pretty hat to match the gloves she made, my mom rocks π
- Discovered the Instagram iPhone app (among many, many other apps; I <3 apps π ) which is fun to play with
- Had a St. Nicholasmas (a combination of St. Nicholas and Christmas) party with Nienke, Eva, Mellien and Ingrid. It was fun and very nice to have a group get together again.
- The snow really hit. It looks awesome, but just like last year, it’s wreaking havoc on the public transport system. Which is kinda ridiculous as they spent the whole year winterproofing their systems and all, and they were sure it would be better this year… And then the first few days we have heavy snowfall, everything falls apart, again.
- December was good, even though in the beginning of the month I wasn’t sure about that (residual gloominess from November)