Today is my parent’s anniversary, they’ve been married for 43 years. I went to visit them this morning, brought some roses, too 🙂
I also got another confirmation of how awesome social media can be. I’ve been looking for this one book I read as a kid. For years, I couldn’t remember the title, so I would occasionally look online to see if I could identify it. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I struck gold and identified the book as Kind zonder naam by Anna Cool.
Unfortunately, it’s out of print, and despite checking book markets and second hand sites, I could never find it. Inspired by the story of Koos, I decided to give Facebook a try. So I posted the cover, and basically what I just wrote above here on my wall. Normally everything is sealed to just friends, but I made it public to facilitate sharing. Some friends shared it, my mom shared it, and from her wall, some of her friends shared it.
Later in the day, Mom commented saying that a friend of one of her friends might have it, she was going to check. And today, I heard that indeed that friend has it, and is willing to part with it. So I’m getting my book, after years of looking for it 😀
I’m ecstatic! It might be a week or two, though, before it gets here as Mom’s friend will be picking it up when she goes to see her friend, who lives elsewhere in the land. No matter, I can wait 🙂