Early February the author Sarah Monette held a memorial book sale for her cat to benefit the veterinary hospital he was treated at. Among the books offered were ten sets of her 4-book fantasy series Doctrine of Labyrinths. I had the first part already, but the second part is out of print, and, if I remember correctly, the fourth part too. So when I read she was gonna offer them, and for only 35 dollars, I knew I had to get one. So I set my alarm for the day of the sale so I would be online and ready when she would post the sale. And it worked, I got lucky and ended up being the fourth person to speak out for a set. Within ten, twenty minutes, all ten sets were gone, so I was damn lucky.
Anyway, long story short, yesterday when I got home there was a note from the postal service indicating they had twice tried to deliver me a package and found no one home. I could pick it up at the post office the next day.
Today, Nienke asked if I wanted to join her in making homemade pizza for lunch, to which there is really only one answer: yes! Except a quick stop at the store was needed fore some additional ingredients. Since the post office is in the store, this was an excellent way to kill two birds with one stone. So we picked up some meat for my pizza and some mozzarella and my package at the check out. As expected, it were the books.
So, I am now the proud owner of a complete set of Doctrine of Labyrinths, and I’ll finally be able to continue the adventures of Felix and Mildmay.
After I sufficiently drooled over my pretty new arrivals, and shared this through Twitter and Facebook :D, Nienke and I finally got around to making pizza. I went for a home made Hawai’i type thing with tomato paste, corn, regular cheese, lots of ham and pineapple, grated cheese and mozzarella. Nienke had similar, but replace ham and pineapple with tuna (ewwwwwww :D)
*unrelated sidenote, since I’m re-watching Atlantis, I <3 McKay*
Pizza turned out to be really tasty, so instead of eating half and saving the other half for breakfast, I ate it all. I felt rather stuffed, but it was delicious.

Eva called, in the morning, to see if I wanted to hang out, maybe play a game, and of course I agreed. Since I was planning on cooking for me and Nienke anyway, I invited Eva to join us. When Eva showed up, however, she surprised me by informing that Mellien was coming too. Fortunately, I made stir fry which is easy to expand when you get more people than planned. Nienke left us shortly after since she had a visitor of her own forthcoming. Eva, Mellien and I went to play Munchkin. It’s been quite a while since I last played, so I had to re-read the rules for a bit, but I quickly got back into it. Mellien had never played it before, and for Eva it was a long time too.
Within a round or two, three, they mostly figured it out, and it went very well for a first time. Eva won by gloriously defeating Level 4 Harpies. We were mostly really nice to each other during the game, not a lot of hindering and pestering took place. And, as the game master of the evening, Eva bribed me with a cookie (for a level) and I nagged myself (for a level) 😀


My cards at the end-game

Mellien’s final monster, it ate all her cards 😀

Eva’s final monster, Level 4 Harpies

The winner with her level markers