Another Meme this time, coming from this site.
I got: List all of the things you wanted to be when you grew up.
I think I got them in the right order as well but I’ve been wanting to be an elementary school teacher, a lawyer, a french teacher and a veterinarian. Had I been any better in the sciences, I would have chosen to actually become a vet. Unfortunately, they weren’t my forte in school and I dropped them when I could. In stead, I now study archaeology which is great as well.
Saturday Six
Found a funny meme site today, Patricks Weekender so I figured I’d play. (Link to today’s entry.
1. Do you have a Valentine this year?
– No, unfortunately not. It would be nice to have someone to send a card to. Or receive one for that matter. I’ve never gotten a valentine’s day card before and I doubt it’ll happen this year.
2. How will you spend the big day itself?
– Not. Besides the card sending issue, Valentine’s just an elaborate ploy to make money 🙂
3. What are you most allergic to? Do you have to take medication or avoid certain medication to stay well?
– I’m not allergic to anything. Well, not really anyway, I used to get bumps on my shoulders and such if I stayed in the sun too long. They haven’t been around for a few years now but came back last summer. Fortunately, they don’t itch or hurt or anything, it’s just annoying.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven’t already!): What temperment are you?
You Have a Melancholic Temperament |
![]() Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything. You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life. You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you. Given enough time alone, it’s easy for you to find inner peace. At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you. |
5. There is actually a town in my state of birth, South Carolina, called Ninety-Six. What’s the most unusual place name in the your home state. (For home state, it can be where you live now or where you grew up.)
– Since I’m not in the US, I’ll take the province where I live now. Most unusual place name, hmmm, I think I’m going with “‘t lage van de weg”, which means, “the low end of the road”.
6. How much money would you need to really feel secure?
– Enough to pay the bills and groceries and such and have enough left to have some fun with.
Lo And Behold: My Livingroom
Since I’ve been showering you with photographs, I figured I’ll do a few more to show off the results of a month of hard work.
Last night I spent my first night in my new place. About time too, it’s been a month since I got the key.
Today, my uncle came to put the one-to-last finishing touch in, laying laminate in the kitchen.
All that needs to be done now is getting my living room curtains, which my aunt is making for me.
Almost Done
About 98% of the fixing up part is done. The only things that need to be done are painting the wooden bits under the doors (but we wait with that until after I move so we don’t damage the paint during moving) and laying the upper flooring in the kitchen (which is fairly easy and with which we’re waiting for the same reason as the painting). My dad will be hanging up some lights and my mom and aunt said they would go cleaning and so they’ll be doing that tomorrow and then we can move stuff. Finally!
If all goes well, I’ll be all moved and settled in by next weekend.
Here’s a picture of the mess in my room with boxes and piles and such.
Finishing Up The House
Some more pics.
My book case, partly painted (black that is, the yellow is the old colour).
This is the kitchen floor after the guys from the housing cooperation came by and fixed it.
And here are my freshly painted walls, most notably the one red wall. Me like lots!
Working On The House pt. 3
Here you can just see the hole in my kitchen floor in the top left corner of the photo. I called the Housing Cooperation about the rotten bit of flooring and they came and said two beams that are supporting the floor are rotten as well and need to be replaced. So they will be back to fix it in the next few days.
And this one shows my dad painting a part of a kitchen wall.
Working On The House pt. 2
This is me, removing a strip of wallpaper the previous inhabitant had placed to separate the red and cream areas of the wall. It turned out to be not so easy as they used a funny type of glue and probably put it on while the red wallpaint was still wet. It was so sticky, we ended up putting a steelbrush thingy on a drill to remove it.
And this is an old nightstand I had which I repainted as I disliked its original colour (lightblue). I made it black so it fits in with my desk which is also black.
Working On The House
Stuff we needed for the fixing up: white paint, red paint, bathroom/kitchen paint, lots of small stuff and a new vacuum cleaner.