I’ve been packing to go to Elfia next weekend together with Eva, the whole family, Mellien and Bas. We’re spending the weekend doing a general fantasy-style medieval re-enactment there. We leave for Arcen on Friday and come back on Monday.
In between packing bags, I hit the crafting table on Tuesday. I made a quick-and-dirty apron from this large piece of old leather I have. It’s  just meant as an extra accessory during the weekend so it didn’t have to be perfect. Plus, I want to keep most of the leather in one piece for when I figure out what I really want to make out of it. Maybe a belt. A belt would be useful.
I straightened out the sides and edges so the piece flowed better. Then I used some of the cut bits to make a neck strap. I then braided rough thin rope to make two bits of thicker rope. That thicker rope I ran through two existing holes on the sides to create the closure. Quick, and easy.
While working on it, Milo was quite interested in the leather. He kept sniffing it and wanted to sit on it 🙂
Yesterday, I went to a Mazerunner marathon with Kim. The second film was pretty good. It followed the movie close enough. It missed some of the nuance between Thomas and Theresa but that is to be expected of a movie versus a book. I’m excited for part three next year.
And speaking of cats, to save me from a separate post just for this, here’s a ridiculously cute Monkey a few days ago.